Four teams from the Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne (URCA) are involved in MODELAGE.

MEDyC (UMR CNRS 7369, Matrice Extracellulaire et Dynamique Cellulaire) is recognized at the international level for developing original approaches at the interface of physics, biology, and bioinformatics to analyse extracellular matrix aging in age-related diseases and disorders. MEDyC will oversee subjects follow-up, sample preparations, and contribute to the image processing pipeline.

CReSTIC will build upon recent advances in image analysis and artificial intelligence to provide efficient solutions to the analysis of complex images.

LICIIS provides skills in data analysis, simulation, and deep learning strategies applied to life science relying on HPC Centre.

LMR brings to the project experts in numerical simulation for computational fluid dynamics, dedicated to biofluid modelling.