
Open Science. MODELAGE results and actions will be disseminated following an Open Science rule. Data collected during the project will be deposited on the national repository before the term of the project (embargo period to be defined by the coordination). Datasets will be published as data papers in open science journals. Scientific results will be published in major peer-reviewed journals and conferences. MODELAGE manuscripts will be made freely available in the Open Archive HAL, 6 months after their publication. We will also rely as much as possible on publicly available softwares. Additional research softwares will be made available to the community in open-source.

Scientific workshops. During the project, two seminars will be organized to foster exchanges and dissemination. The first one is scheduled in 2025. Its previsional title is “Computer-assisted Analysis of Vascular Alterations”. Period, duration, and location have to be defined yet.

Scientific outreach. MODELAGE researchers will contribute to science outreach during the “Fête de la Science” action and by punctual conferences.