Two teams from the Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT) are involved in MODELAGE.


develops efficient approaches (concepts, models, methods, and tools) to deal with the entire data processing chain, from sensors to uses, through data analysis. The team has a strong experience in system monitoring, pattern recognition, machine learning and statistical analysis. Their expertise is in applying machine learning approaches for the detection of patterns in non-stationary systems in different contexts, notably classification or detection in systems evolving with time. LIST3N is currently collaborating with MEDyC on tissues and peptides dynamic analysis and was notably involved in ANR project SCADA with Ondeo Systems. (Coordinator: Pierre BEAUSEROY)


GAMMA3 is specialized in iterative processes that allow the progressive adaptation of numerical schemes during computation to control the accuracy of the solutions. GAMMA3 has a recognized expertise in meshing and remeshing methods of the computational space.